What To Do If Your Ex Denies You Parenting Time

sole custody

It is a sad reality that divorce often causes adults to act like children. The bitterness and animosity generated by a breakup often leads to a total loss of reason and rationality. Even more disappointing is that children are often caught in the middle of many of these arguments. Even


Modifying Child Support When You Move States

child support

Question: I have two children who are older than 18, but I still have child support arrears to catch up on. Will the state continuing garnishing the full amount (current support and arrears) or will it be recalculated? One of the orders was set in Texas and the other one


Pilot Program Aims To Solve Child-Support Problem

child support

It’s apparent that the child-support system in the United States is, at best, flawed. Perhaps the system’s biggest failing is how it treats low-income parents who lack the ability to pay. Once they fall behind on payments, even if it’s because of involuntary unemployment, arrears start accumulating and it creates


Catching Thieves: Ensuring Employers Submit Child Support


In most circumstances, a parent’s child support payments are automatically deducted from his or her paycheck through a wage garnishment or income withholding order. However, two stories recently emerged of an employer allegedly pocketing those payments rather than sending the money to the state child support collection unit. Unfortunately, this


DadsDivorce LIVE: Research Debunks Deadbeat Dad Myth

The term “deadbeat dad” evokes an image of a father willingly withholding financial and emotional support from his children and completely shunning his parental responsibilities. However, research regarding low-income noncustodial fathers indicates that the term doesn’t typically match with reality. University of North Carolina sociologist and demographer Jennifer Kane recently


New Study Further Debunks Deadbeat Dad Myth


The image of the deadbeat dad that skips child support payments, shuns his children and leaves a desperate single mom to fend for herself still looms large in society. However, a recent study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family provides even more evidence that the stereotype of a