Walter Scott And The Problem With Child Support

For the past several days, the shooting of Walter Scott by South Carolina police officer Michael Slager has dominated headlines. A video of the shooting shows Slager, who has been charged with murder, shooting  Scott eight times after he fled from his vehicle after being stopped. Like several other police


Combating Threats Of Back Child Support


Question: My wife and I have been separated since 2005 and I have always paid court-ordered child support. Since I started making a decent paycheck, my wife had decided to file for divorce. She is threatening me with back child support even though I have never missed a payment. What


Modifying Child Support When Arrears Are Owed

calculating child support

Question: I am trying to modify my current parenting time. Right now, because I only have 80 overnights, I owe my ex-wife child support. If I modify the plan to at least 110 overnights, she would have to start paying me child support. However, I owe more than $10,000 in


DadsDivorce LIVE: Child Support In Indiana

The flaws of the modern child-support system have been covered extensively on Now, many of those shortcomings have come to light in Indiana thanks to a series produced by WRTV-Indianapolis investigative reporter Kara Kenney. Ms. Kenney recently produced a series of stories examining the child-support system in Indiana. Initially, the


3 Concerning Facts About The ‘Deadbeat Dad’ Myth

deadbeat dadd

There are a number of stereotypes and misconceptions that drive the modern child-support system that have been covered extensively on, but perhaps none are as confounding as the myth of the deadbeat dad. The concept of the deadbeat dad originates from a CBS special report by Bill Moyers that