Should I Appeal The Divorce Judgment?


Question: I received what I believe to be an unfair divorce judgment. My wife and her lawyer both lied in court. I would like to appeal the decision, but my attorney is hesitant. How do I determine if appealing the decision will be worth my while?


Can You Modify A Morality Clause?

morality clause

Question: When my wife and I divorced five years ago, we agreed to a morality clause in our decree prohibiting overnight guests of the opposite sex while the minor children were present. Five years later, only one of my three children is still a minor – my son, who is


The Dos & Don’ts Of Post-Divorce Dating

post-divorce dating

Dads should always proceed with caution when jumping back into the dating game following a divorce. While it is certainly possible to successfully make that transition and find a compatible partner, many men make several common mistakes that hinder their divorce recovery and make the healing process even harder for


My Ex-Wife Keeps Violating The Morality Clause


Question: Our divorce decree has a morality clause that states that neither party is allowed to have a member of the opposite sex spend the night when our daughter is staying there, but my ex-wife keeps ignoring this and says there is nothing I can do. Is there anything I


Am I Paying Too Much Child Support?

capital gains child support

Question: I recently signed my uncontested divorce decree. I had no attorney and feel I might have agreed to pay too much child support. We have four kids. I have to pay more than $600 supplemental security income to my oldest and an additional $865 in child support. I only


Modifying Support With An Out-Of-Court Agreement

out-of-court agreement

Question: Recently, I received a divorce decree stating I am required to pay child support even though my ex-wife makes substantially more than me and we share custody of our children. She has signed and notarized a document stating she does not intend to collect the child support payment. Will