Can Adultery Affect A Divorce Case?


Question: My spouse has been committing adultery for  years. Will that come into play during our divorce? Also, I am disabled and receive medical insurance through my spouse. How will that play out during the case?


DadsDivorce Live: Avoiding The Blame Game

Remaining amicable through a divorce is extremely difficult. The process tends to bring out the worst in people. With so many important issues to sort through – child support and custody, alimony, division of assets,etc. – it’s easy to lose control of your emotions. 


Let It Go: Carrying The Right Attitude Through Divorce

divorce factors

Perhaps the very worst aspect of divorce is its tendency to pit spouses against each other. Divorce and conflict go hand in hand. Generally, couples don’t decide to end a marriage unless they’ve had some pretty serious disagreements beforehand. But the confrontational nature of divorce is like pouring gasoline on


DadsDivorce Live: Men’s Health Month

The month of June is recognized as Men’s Health Month. The designation is intended as a call to action for men to take ownership of their health and well-being. Unfortunately, men face numerous health risks and societal norms seem to discourage men from taking care of their physical and mental


The Divorce Diet: Male Nutrition Declines After Breakups

Men already face numerous health risks, and those dangers are magnified following divorce. Divorce is inherently stressful, and that strain increases the rate of early mortality by up to 250 percent. When a marriage ends, it prompts wholesale changes to a person’s lifestyle. Just about every aspect of a man’s