More States Considering Shared-Parenting Legislation

child custody

There has been a strong push in many states during the first half of 2015 to implement more balanced child custody laws that would lead to more equal parenting time after divorce. The Wall Street Journal recently highlighted this movement and noted that nearly 20 states are considering measures that would


Video: Cordell & Cordell News – March 20, 2015

Dads Divorce, sponsor Cordell & Cordell and sister site have teamed up to present a series of weekly recap videos to keep you informed on the latest news and top stories. This week, Cordell & Cordell announced that eight of the firm’s attorneys – seven in Texas and one in


Divorce Dilemma: Don’t Skimp On Early Divorce Costs

questions and confusion

By Dad “X” There’s an old joke: “Why is divorce so expensive? Because it’s worth it!” There’s actually some truth to that. No matter what you do or think, attorney’s fees are substantial but so are a plumber’s. Both, of course, handle a lot of crap. Just imagine getting cheap


How Parenting Time Factors Into Contempt Cases

child-centered divorce

Question: I work 40 hours a week, am a full-time college student and a drilling military reservist. I pay child support but often have to work or have drill on my visitation day. My ex-wife refuses to work with my schedule and is threatening to have me thrown in jail. Is