Since my wife moved out of state while I was deployed, shouldn’t she pay the transportation costs for my parenting time?

Attorney Lisa HansenQuestion:

My wife just left me and filed for separation while I was deployed overseas by the military. She moved herself and the kids to another state about six hours away, and she now wants me to drive halfway to meet her for visitation. I thought that I had read somewhere that she would have to provide the transportation for the visits because she took the kids and moved to out of state. Is this the law or did my brain make this up? How should I go about dealing with this?



It is always best to consult with an attorney in your state who is familiar with the laws of North Carolina.  Cordell & Cordell has attorneys licensed and located in North Carolina.

I do not know if it is a law in your state.  However, most Courts will make the parent who moved be responsible for the transportation costs for the other parent to enjoy parenting time with their children.  The best way to deal with it is to talk to an attorney in your area.  There is also a question about her being able to go forward with a divorce if you are on active duty in the military.


Lisa Hansen is a Senior Attorney in the Kansas City office of Cordell & Cordell, where she practices domestic relations exclusively. Ms. Hansen is licensed to practice in the state of Missouri. Ms. Hansen received her Bachelors in Social Work from University of Nevada, Reno, her Masters in Social Work from University of Kansas, and her Juris Doctor from University of Missouri, Kansas City.

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