What Is Res Judicata?

what is res judicata

By Sara Pitcher Cordell & Cordell Divorce Lawyer Res judicata is a Latin term meaning “a thing adjudicated.” This refers to an issue that has been definitely settled by judicial decision. This bars the same parties from litigating a second lawsuit on the same claim or any other claim arising


A Parent’s Standing To Modify Child Custody

georgia divorce lawyer

Question: I have primary physical custody of my children, and even though my ex-wife now lives in Canada she is requesting a modification of custody. I do not feel my children should live with her in Canada for many reasons, including my fear for their safety around her abusive husband.


Can My Ex Modify Child Support Without Cause?

Albany divorce lawyer Rochelle Cavanagh

Question: My ex-wife is threatening to take me back to court for more child support even though my financial situation has not changed since our divorce and her income has actually increased. She is just an out-of-control spender and just wants more money. Can she take me back to court


Requesting Child Support Post-Divorce

divorce lawyer Jordan Rapoff

Question: At the time of the divorce no child support was awarded to either party. However, my ex-wife’s earnings have significantly increased in the years since our divorce. I am considering requesting child support from her. Is this possible if no child support was awarded in our divorce?