How Will Unemployment Affect Child Custody?


Question: I’m facing a possible separation/divorce. I’ve been my son’s primary caregiver since leaving my job due to an illness caused by my job. My wife works fulltime. Should I stay unemployed and remain the primary caregiver in a situation like this or continue to seek new employment?


Men’s Divorce Podcast: Alimony

spousal support

Each month, Dads Divorce sponsor Cordell & Cordell produces the Men’s Divorce Podcast, which features interviews with authors, politicians and other divorce professionals on issues fathers frequently face during the divorce process.


How Are Profit-Sharing Plans Divided In Divorce?

attorney fees

Question: My divorce agreement specifies that I pay a percentage of any profit sharing that I get from my work each year. My ex-wife feels I should pay her the percentage of pre-taxed profit sharing payout. I think I should pay her the percentage after the taxed payout. Who is


DadsDivorce Live: The Alimony Recapture Rule

Paying alimony is a big enough hassle already, but imagine getting an unfriendly letter from the IRS forcing you into an audit and assessing taxes for three years of income you previously deducted. That’s what can happen under the alimony recapture rule. 


Terminating Child Support When Obligation Ends


Question: My obligation for paying child support is ending soon. My separation agreement stipulates that child support shall continue until my daughter’s 19th birth or she becomes emancipated. Is there anything I have to do to end my child support obligation or do I just stop paying when the time